Big announcements you don’t want to miss! ?
July 27, 2021 Published by admin
WOW, Last week was quite the whirlwind! I met up with my fellow health & fitness coaches for our virtual annual ‘summit’ where we hear all the newest developments and announcements. And there’s a lot!! You may already know that we (Beachbody) went public at the end of June, and that was the beginning of some BIG things happening…already!
I will be sharing more and more details with you as things officially release. But I have to at least share with you what’s in the works because I am STOKED!!
- The company is migrating over to more sustainable packaging, starting right away! This is huge and an amazing answer to so many questions and concerns that many customers and coaches have had. They listened, and it’s happening!
- Of course our new program 645 is launching now!
- Our interactive fitness membership is launching in September, along with the MYX bike! With this rollout we’ll have some options for monthly or annual memberships, and even day passes! The bike also has the option to come with a complete home gym like foam foller, weights, dumbbell and more. And the bike has a rotating screen for you to stream any Beachbody workout on demand!
- Our next program is coming from our newest trainer this winter! It’s called Job1 and is 4 weeks long, 5 workouts per week and only TWENTY minutes a day! It’s also being filmed in English and French. And since this trainer is a former Peloton cycling instructor, you will have the option to do cycling for cardio days!
- Last, Peppermint Mocha Shakeology is coming back this November! And this time it will be gluten-free and include even more probiotics!
Whew! Told ya it was a lot ? So many exciting things – now is the time to jump in if you’ve been thinking about it. My August bootcamp enrollment is officially open to get started with whatever program you’d like or even the brand new 645!
Speaking of 645…the most exciting announcement I have this week is that this brand new program is available NOW for everyone! VIP Early Access is officially open and so is my exclusive group for those who are ready to reach their peak in 13 weeks with trainer Amoila Cesar! ?
I’ve been sharing about this program in previous emails and on social media, but if you have ANY questions about the program, or my group, or me as a coach – or anything else – please feel free to reach out and let’s chat! I am so excited to see what this program does for all my clients who are jumping in (and for myself). It’s a commitment to 13 weeks and to your health and fitness – and it’s the commitment that changes everything!
And it’s a commitment to the entire system – nutrition, workouts AND our support group. We have complete packs available with VIP Early Access to 645 plus a full year of streaming access to 1000+ workouts on Beachbody On Demand, so you never run out of workouts to do or ways to challenge your body.
Plus, you get both of our premium nutrition programs when you get started with a pack. Choose which one works for you!
Last but definitely not least, is your 30 day supply of Shakeology superfoods, and/or pre and post-workout supplements. These are game changers when it comes to taking control of your nutrition and reaching your peak health & fitness.
So you literally get all the tools and resources you need to get the results you want. With a BONUS of getting access to my exclusive online accountability group where we will work on our goals TOGETHER! I share daily tips, resources, recipes, check ins and weekly meal plans. You’ll get all the tools…you just need to bring the commitment.
Already have Beachbody on Demand?! No worries! You can complete your commitment with all the resources you need – without the BOD.
Finally…and maybe most importantly…for the first time ever we are rewarding people with CASHBACK for following through on this commitment! You can earn almost a third of your initial investment back just for showing up and getting results!
I’m just so excited for alllll these things! The new interactive live fitness classes, the cycling bike, the new programs, the cashback incentive, new Shakeology developments — it’s all so amazing and I’m so excited to be part of a company that is constantly growing and learning and listening. And I am so grateful to you for being even a small part of it with me, whether through a free group or community, my monthly bootcamps or even on my team.
Stay well and stay in touch!