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Does your morning routine set you up for success?

Does your morning routine set you up for success?

March 20, 2019 Published by admin

Want to be more productive? Struggle with finding the time to do the things you love? Grow your business?

The secret lies in your morning routine. Here are my top tips for setting up your day to win!

Get up before everyone else. Those moments of calm before the world wakes and the chaos starts are the most productive, so take advantage. Set your alarm an hour earlier than normal and don’t press snooze!

How to get the most out of that hour –

Start your day with gratitude. There is always something to be grateful for and when you spend a few quiet minutes in this energy it shifts your mindset and primes your mind to look for all the good there is around you.

Next up is mediation and visualisation. See how you want your day to unfold. See how well the meeting will go and the outcome you wish to happen, see your test results coming back positively, see yourself hitting your goals. Do this for the day ahead as well as for those big dreams you have. Step into the life you want. Feel it , believe it and give thanks for it happening.

Exercise – move your body, get the endorphins flowing. This doesn’t always have to be crazy cardio , it could be a walk or some yoga. But that’ll help clear your mind and get you focused.

Have a healthy breakfast whilst listening to some personal development on audible or podcast (use that NET time to grow and learn).

When you’re at your desk, brain dump. Get down everything that’s in your head and throw it out on paper , that alone will free up space to be more productive and you’ll realise half the stuff isn’t really that important. Pick the top three that are and ‘ eat that frog’ get it work on the most important , income producing activities first and you’ll feel accomplished and that energy will carry into the smaller tasks.

I hope these tips help set you up for a productive day. I’d love to hear how you got on with them. Let m know over on our facebook page

And remember to… Wake up with Passion!